我们相信:Youth is Now Leader ————青少年可以改变世界。
As a specialized and professional international camp education institution, IDEAS are dedicated to providing high-quality camp education programs and activities for teenagers aging from 4 to 18 years old, aiming to help teenagers to develop learning abilities, living and survival skills as required in the 21st century. Based on the objective of improving the cross-cultural communications among teenagers through camp education, thus, making them world citizens with global outlook, IDEAS started China’s very first camp education research center and cooperates with camps from 27 countries all over the globe.
Based on the objective of improving the cross-cultural communications among teenagers through camp education, thus, making them world citizens with global outlook, IDEAS started China’s very first camp education research center and cooperates with camps from 27 countries all over the globe.
Vision & Mission
通过四大主题的体验式、项目式和服务式学习,培养青少年21世纪学习、生活能力,从而形成完善的核心素养体系,树立正向的价值观。 启行一直以来致力于建立中国营地教育的标准和模式,推动营地教育行业发展,以此来促进青少年发展和跨文化的理解与交流,助力青少年成为具有国际视野的世界公民。
Products & Services
启行于2012年创建中国第一个营地教育研发中心,也是国内首个国际化、全配置、多功能的青少年营地。 启行拥有营地教育行业咨询、培训、课程开发、营地运用管理的国际化经验,为政府、教育部门、国内外学校、企业单位提供国际营地教育综合解决方案。 机构全线产品包括日间营、预备营、夏令营、冬令营、海外营、国际青年营、学校营、培训营。
启行营会项目基于启行学习模型而设计。该模型结合P21世纪学习框架和中国学生发展核心素养总体框架,创建启行营地教育的六大学习领域及八项核心能力。 由国际化的专业研发团队引领,确保符合各年龄阶段的身心发展规律和教育需求。
IDEAS camps and programs, developed by an international R&D team, pay close attention to the physical and cognitive development of children ages 4-17. The camp activities build on a learning model that consists of six areas of learning and eight core competencies. The learning model is derived from the Partnership For 21st Century Learning Framework and the Framework of Chinese Students' Development of Core Competency.
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